Visit Mo' Coffee's Art Cafe

Well, after much ado, it’s finally up and running! It’s a modest beginning, but it’s a beginning. Lainey and I have been working hard to get things going. Thanks for your prayers and patience! Our goal in this venture is two-fold: to spread the joy of handmade everyday objects (handmade objects remind us of our humanity, our connection to the earth, and to each other…but let me save this stump speech for a later post); and to help out those who need it most. To this end 50% of all proceeds will help us sponsor children at Compassion International.

The name? Well, the decision came down to what was easiest to type and what would provide some sense of continuity. You can visit the store at

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4 Responses to Visit Mo' Coffee's Art Cafe

  1. Pingback: LinkLuv: 24 « The Aesthetic Elevator

  2. TAE says:

    The giveaway is a fun thing. Trying to decide if I should do something like that . . .

    I’ve used Etsy in a cursory manner without any success. I like the idea, but I don’t like their marketing philosophy and they spend time programming the wrong parts of their website IMO. My wife uses it intensely, but has only had moderate success. It’s odd, some of the other people who do similar things as she does but with poorer quality end up selling way more. I think most of the successful Etsy-ians just find the right kind of word of mouth that no amount of marketing money can buy. Be nice if my wife could find that :p

    See her store, if you’re interested, here:

  3. Mo-Coffee says:

    Yeah, I don’t see etsy as the perfect solution, and I’m not expecting it to be a real money-maker. Most of the successful crafters there are successful because they are already successful (e.g. they sell pots full time, travel around doing art fairs…etc.), and for them, etsy is just another venue- a way for collectors already familiar with their work to buy from them when they aren’t around. But hey, that’s ok. I mean, those crafters have done the leg work and they deserve that success. I certainly don’t expect etsy to expose me to a ton of new collectors, but maybe one or two.

    I’m heading over to elegantscarf right now. Thanks for the tip!

  4. Pingback: Again with the Etsy shop! (a giveaway) « Blog In My Eye

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