Hey, you can't have a grand opening without giving stuff away, right?

Ok, I’m a little late coming into the game, but there’s still a few days left in the bloggy giveaway carnival and I’m adding a cup to the list.

This little wheel thrown stoneware cup features a whippet, a man, a crown, and a bone. I guess it’s all about ambition, or something like that. I throw the cups and then incise the decorations while the cup is still soft, then push out the forms from the inside.

This cup is about 4 1/2″ tall, and is microwave and dishwasher safe. Needless to say (but I’ll say it anyway), more cups like it can be found at my new etsy shop: www.MoCoffee.etsy.com

I’ll hold the drawing on Sunday. Just leave a comment to be entered to win. I’ll ship it for free in the continental United States

Good Luck!

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63 Responses to Hey, you can't have a grand opening without giving stuff away, right?

  1. Shane says:

    I love anything handmade!

  2. Lauren says:

    I love drinking from things that are so earthy and organic feeling! Makes me feel primitive – in the best of ways!

  3. Terra Heck says:

    Very nice cup!

  4. Gigi says:

    Very cool! This looks like a great stocking stuffer for my hubby!

  5. amanda says:

    handmade, functional….beautiful! i would definitely love to win this puppy!

  6. Who couldn’t use a handmade cup? Thanks!

  7. denise says:

    My husband would love this! Anything unique is right up his alley! Thanks.

  8. I used to do pottery when we lived in Cuba, I love the cup and would love to win!

  9. stephanie says:

    I really enjoy having a good cup of coffee in a cool, earthy handmade, clay mug. I enjoy buying them while I travel to different places also. This one is very unique from all the other ones I have, would love to add to my collection!!!!!

  10. Hannah says:

    How lovely! Please count me in! Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. Becky S says:

    I love to drink hot tea out of pottery. It just taste better

  12. Oh I love that cup!! Count me in!

  13. Diane says:

    I love it! Please add me to the drawing. I need a new mug… my husband broke mine at the office. (And did he ASK to take my library themed mug to the office for his green tea fix? No. This one would be hidden.) 😉

  14. Crystal B. says:

    How cool. 🙂

  15. Elizabeth says:

    I love the mug… it would be great to have my coffee in it every morning 🙂

    Thanks for this opportunity,

  16. Heather says:

    Beautiful work. For the past few years I drink my morning coffee and evening tea out of pottery cups. It just seems to make everything taste better. I have several, depending on what mood I’m in at the time. now if my DH wuld jsut stop breaking the handles off them, I’d be set. (grin)

    Lalycairn at gmail.com

  17. Kimberly says:

    What a cool looking cup! Thanks for the link. I’m going to head on over and check it out.

  18. Dionna says:

    I like stoneware. It lends such a comfy feel. I’m in.

  19. Betsy says:

    Nice mug! Would be used here!

  20. missy says:

    what a pretty mug! thanks for the give~away 🙂


  21. Autumn says:

    Great handy work! Cool giveaway!

  22. Christy says:

    Nice! I love the name you picked for your store, too!

  23. char says:

    love the mug. I’ll definitely check out your website.

  24. Knoxy says:

    Buddha, foot seems a bit big, mono tone surface…..drawing/line could be a skutch deeper…..can’t feed ur ego all the time! Keep up the good work….
    Cheers, Money

  25. Debbie says:

    OOh, beautiful mug. It must be hard to make such grat things and give them away.

  26. nadine r. says:

    such a very cool cup–and to be given such an item from a ‘master potter’ ! you do amazing work David and I have learned much–thnx!!

  27. This is an awesome cup…I’d love to win it. Thanks!

  28. Hope says:

    Oh, this is just too cute! Your etsy site is great. I really like the way you did the color variation on your yellow and black tumbler. Keep up the great pottery!!!

  29. Pingback: Again with the Etsy shop! (a giveaway) « Blog In My Eye

  30. ali says:

    very pretty

  31. Muddy says:

    Nice giveaway! Thanks for offering and good luck with your Esty store!

  32. Elaine says:

    So fabulous! I would love to display this!

  33. cyn says:

    I would LOVE to have this. Thanks for the giveaway. SIgn me up ! 🙂

  34. Merry says:

    Lovely! I’m having so much fun checking out all the Bloggy Giveaways participants who are showcasing their Etsy shops–my wishlist is getting huge!

  35. CanCan says:

    This is an awesome prize! Maybe the most appealing thing to me personally in the whole bloggy carnival! Yippee!

  36. This is so cool! I recently decided I want to sign up for a pottery class at our local community college. Maybe it will be the first art that I have any talent at. I hope so.

  37. ambre says:

    i love pottery! it looks neat!

  38. Sarah Fischer says:

    I love handmade pottery! I tryed my hand at it a few years ago and I’m no good at it but I have some friends who are.


  39. Cindi says:

    Hi, I have to admit that I am a pottery fiend! I adore it. Your cup is wonderful. The shape, textures and color go perfectly in my kitchen. Please enter me in your drawing. I would be honored to win your hand thrown cup. Many thanks,Cindi

  40. Marcia says:

    Wow that’s beautiful!!

  41. Kim says:

    Lovely! Hope I win 🙂

  42. chantelle says:

    how awesome! thank you! please enter me.

  43. moss says:

    that is BEAUTIFUL!

  44. Dawn Bates says:

    How pretty!

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    dburdenbates (at) gmail (dot) com

  45. rachael says:

    You can’t have a drawing without your niece’s name in the hat!! I love this mug – especially the wippet and how it they always remind me of you guys 🙂

  46. rachael says:

    PS – my blog is different now…This link should take you to it…

  47. robin says:

    i really like the design email me alloye2000@yahoo.com

  48. weirdstuffinmydesk says:

    GREAT giveaway!

    Hey, if you have a chance, please stop by and visit my contest page too!

    my email is:
    racoo.smith at gmail dot com

    Thanks and have a lovely day!

  49. Ginny says:

    Very cool looking, would be happy with it if I won!

  50. Telima says:

    That is beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. Jessica says:

    That cup is really beautiful! I’d be afraid to put it in the dishwasher! I would probably put it on my mantle and not drink out of it! I think it would be lovely with a handfull of fresh flowers!

  52. Momto2Boys says:

    Love it! I love handmade! Thanks!

  53. Naomi says:

    gorgeous. i’d be proud to drink from it!

  54. Mo-Coffee says:

    Note to Jessica–
    Thanks for the kudos, but if you win it you have to use it. It’s imperative! If I find my functional pots sitting on someone’s mantle I take them back! (not really, that’d be cruel).
    But I do go through a whole soapbox speech about the importance of functionality.

    …consider yourself warned 🙂


  55. Jessica says:

    so nice!

  56. Beth says:

    That is one cool looking cup! You’re very talented!

  57. reeva says:

    Great giveaway! I hope i’m the lucky winner! 🙂 i like your work

  58. Kim Taylor says:

    beautiful, enter me please. Thanks Kim

  59. Belinda says:

    Beautiful work! I love handmade things. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  60. threeofakindblog says:


  61. Erica G says:

    Very nice!

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